Expats — Stories of Czech architects and architects living abroad
The book version of the original Expats lectures in CAMP is based on the most current form of CAMP’s visual identity, primarily following the design of the new institution’s website. The design of the book thus confirms that we have reached a time when printed media can naturally be inspired/based on the form of online media and practices in UI/UX design. The book’s design is primarily based on practicality/purpose of use — small format, distinctly rounded corners, laminate on the cover — everything is intended to ensure easy carrying of the book and comfortable reading, for example, even when you travel in public transport. The text/image content is separated from each other (on each page) separately and linked back using numbered tags — finding images becomes a game, or you can skip the pictures entirely and focus only on the text. The individual chapters in the book are divided using cards (a popular UX component), which are also shown on the back of the cover. The book’s design is ready to be utilized as a template for the subsequent planned editions.
- link:
Read more about the book here
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(Time is a construct)
- 3D:
Matěj Chabera
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