Apache Bikes — Visual identity for Czech bicycle company


The new visual identity for Apache Bikes* is based on solid/expressive typography (header custom lettering / later designed as full-scale font, called Speed Grotesk typeface), minimalist layout, and illustration. The header lettering has three styles that differ in slant and weight. This differentiation is based on dividing bikes according to the route’s difficulty (slope of the landscape and speed) into three categories — Cities / Roads / Mountains. The greater the difficulty, the greater the slant and weight of the style. From an almost invisible slanted Light (Cities) to an extremely slanted Black (Mountains). Also, each style has two variants of italics (left and right italics), used separately for each side of the bike and thus perfectly quote movement direction.

The new visual identity for Apache Bikes* is based on solid/expressive typography (header custom lettering / later designed as full-scale font, called Speed Grotesk typeface), minimalist layout, and illustration. The header lettering has three styles that differ in slant and weight. This differentiation is based on dividing bikes according to the route’s difficulty (slope of the landscape and speed) into three categories — Cities / Roads / Mountains. The greater the difficulty, the greater the slant and weight of the style. From an almost invisible slanted Light (Cities) to an extremely slanted Black (Mountains). Also, each style has two variants of italics (left and right italics), used separately for each side of the bike and thus perfectly quote movement direction.

*As part of the collaboration on the company’s new identity, we also tried to appeal for a change of the company’s name, unfortunately without success (You can find more information about the issue of using names based on the heritage of Native Americans here, for example).

  • For more visuals, visit the clients' website here


Apache Bikes [with: Times New Realism]

(Time is a construct)
Filip Beránek
#type-design #identity